Friday, December 27, 2019

Its Not Your Résumé That Gets You Hired

Its Not Your Rsum That Gets You HiredIts Not Your Rsum That Gets You HiredCreating a rsum is notlage the best way to start a job search. In fact, your rsum is a very small part of your job search. Your ability to demonstrate your skills, willingness to do the job and personality will help you garner the attention of hiring managers, recruiters and human resources staff.The following facts demonstrate how tough it is to get noticed with just a rsum. Your odds of receiving a call from an employer based on a rsum you posted on a job board are as good as winning the lottery without buying a ticket.Rsums By The NumbersRecruiters spend an average of only 6 seconds reviewing your resume, according to the job matching service TheLadders.50 percent of candidates are viewed as not-qualified, according to recruiters.Referred candidates are twice as likely to land an interview than other applicants.These steps should help you stand out and get yourself in front of companies who could potentially hire you.Examine your qualifications. Take an inventory of projects youve enjoyed working on and extract the skills you used. Self-assessment can be a painful but necessary first step in the job search process. You have a lot of options for where you can go next. You want to make sure you are using the right skills at the right company for you.Create a list of target employers. Based on your preferred geographic location, research growing companies in that region. You can usually find a list of top employers by city just by searching online. Research the companies, and see if they interest you and have roles you are qualified for. Do not eliminate companies because they dont have jobs posted. Most companies have un-posted jobs, and you can send an email to human resources to find out positions that may not be publicly listed.Meet people who work in target companies. You can attend events, network on LinkedIn and even ask your friends and family if they know anyone who works for one of your target companies.Ask for information, not a job. As tempting as it is to express your desire to work for the company, hold back. The true reason you want to meet or talk with someone is to learn more about the organization.Compile a list of skills. Based on your conversations and research, you probably have a good idea what your target employers value. These are the skills and talents you want to highlight on your rsum and weave into your LinkedIn profile.Take time to customize your rsum for each job posting. When you do find a job posting at one of your target companies, or elsewhere, thoroughly review each qualification and job requirement and truthfully include your achievements as it relates to each of them on your rsum.Tap an insider. Either right before or after you apply, find someone you know or can talk to inside the company youre applying to. Let the employee know you are interested in the job and ask if he or she can forward your rsum along. Many companies have e mployee referral programs so you may help the employee earn a referral bonus.Where to improve your skills, interests and personalityThere are lots of ways to stand out. Volunteering with a professional organization provides exposure and new networking contacts. Joining group discussions on LinkedIn is another way to get involved in a community of like-minded thinkers. And having active, professional accounts on Google+ and Twitter will also increase your findability.Is thersumstill important?Yes, the rsum is still important. Recruiters with large numbers of open requisitions rely on applicant tracking systems (ATS) to help sift and sort through rsums. The pressure to fill openings dictates how they manage time. The problem is, most job seekers dont know how recruiters use ATS. Therefore, they fail to write a rsum that will feature their best assets and use key words that will get them found.If you are embarking on a new job search, take time to learn about the contemporary rsum and what you must do to highlight your skills and capabilities. The laundry list of job duties just wont cut it in the competitive climate.Hannah Morgan is a speaker and author providing no-nonsense career advice she guides job seekers and helps them navigate todays treacherous job search terrain. Hannah shares information about the latest trends, such as reputation management, social networking strategies, and other effective search techniques on her blog, Career Sherpa.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Steps to Finding Your Passion

Steps to Finding Your Passion Steps to Finding Your Passion 1. Understand that it will take time to discover your passion and shape your vision.There are too many people who get frustrated and give up on finding their true passion. Realize that this process will involve trial and error. Learn from Generation Y. Generation Y is known for changing their focus. According to, Generation Y will have multiple careers during their life.Keep in mind there will be jobs you do not like however, work hard to make progress. Do not look at your circumstances but look forward to your vision and future. While working jobs that are not that pleasant, remember it is temporary and you can improve your situation. It does not matter where you are, it only matters where you are trying to go and how you plan to get there.2. Do your research and explore.Lets be honest. You cannot expect to discover anything without exploring different options. Get out and do your RESEARCH Research c an involve talking with others in areas that interest you. Browsing and surfing the Internet. Socializing and networking with co-workers and friends. Get out and network at job fairs, business conventions, seminars, social events, and conferences. Do not under estimate the power of networking3. Establish a plan with main goals. Include items that can hinder you.Planning is necessary to achieve any greatness. However, realizations of plans are subject to change and there is nothing wrong with plans that change. Change can be good and advantageous. Life happens and brings about many unexpected issues to handle, when this happens adjust accordingly and keep working towards your goal.Goals are necessary in any plan to measure your progress. Keep in mind goals are not final and can be changed and restructured to fit the given situation. Give yourself the flexibility to strive for excellence.4. Take action based on your plan.Now that you have a plan it is time to use it. Divide your main goals into sub-goals so you can work slowly to achieve your main goals. Youll find setting smaller goals will ultimately lead you toward your main goals.5. Track your progress.It is important to track your progress document and remember your small successes. Small successes can lead to larger successes. Tracking your progress can be informal. Grab a spiral notebook and start writing.Remember you can find your true passion and purpose in life but it is going to require patience, diligence, and lots of work

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

How to Answer Interview Questions About You

How to Answer einstellungsgesprch Questions About YouHow to Answer einstellungsgesprch Questions About YouWhen an interviewer asks questions about you, he or she is trying to determine whether youll be a good fit for the company. Is your personality a match for thecompany culture? Are your goals and expectations a match for what your role in the company will be if youre hired? How would you fit in with the current team? The best way to answer interview questions about yourself is to be honest. You are who you are. However, you also want to keep the company and the specific job in mind when you answer. Read below for more specific tips on how to answer interview questions about yourself. Also see below for a list of the fruchtwein common interview questions youll be asked, and sample answers. Tips for Answering Interview Questions About You Every interview question about you requires a slightly different answer, but there are a few useful tips you can keep in mind whenever you are asked a question about yourself. First of all, honesty really is the best policy. Trying to present yourself as someone youre not may help you get a job offer, but it might not be the best idea in the long run. You need to consider whether the job would work out long-term if its not a match for your personality and work style or for what youre seeking in your next position and your next employer. Moreover, employers canoften tell when an interviewees answers are insincere, so be genuine. However, you also want to make sure you answer with the specific company and job in mind. For example, if you are asked what your greatest weakness is, you dont want to say something that is a requirement for the job. Therefore, be sure to review both the job listing and your resume before the interview. Think of skills, experiences, and qualities you have that make you a good fit for the position. Most Asked Interview Questions About You Tell me about yourself. - Best AnswersTell me about some thing thats not on your resume. - Best AnswersWhat are you looking for in your next job? - Best AnswersWhat is your greatest strength? - Best AnswersWhat is your greatest weakness? - Best AnswersWhy do you want this job? - Best Answers More Questions About YouA - Z List A - E Are you easy to talk to? - Best AnswersAre you nice? - Best AnswersDescribe how you managed a problem employee. - Best AnswersDescribe the pace at which you work. - Best AnswersDescribe what you have done to upgrade your skills. - Best AnswersDo you consider yourself successful? Why? - Best AnswersDo you prefer to work independently or on a team? - Best AnswersDo you work well with other people? - Best AnswersExplain the gap in your employment history. - Best Answers F - I How are you different from the competition? -Best AnswersHow did you fit in with the company culture at your previous job? -Best AnswersHow did you impact the bottom line? -Best AnswersHow do you handle failure? -Best AnswersHow do you ha ndle success? -Best AnswersHow do you handle stress and pressure? -Best AnswersHow do you evaluate success? -Best AnswersHow do you plan to achieve those goals? -Best AnswersHow do you view yourself? Whom do you compare yourself to? -Best AnswersHow does this job fit in with your career plan? -Best Answers How will your greatest strength help you perform? -Best AnswersHow would you adjust to working for a new company? -Best AnswersHow would you describe the pace at which you work? -Best AnswersHow would you describe yourself? -Best AnswersHow would your co-workers describe your personality? -Best AnswersIf the people who know you were asked why you should be hired, what would they say?Best AnswersIf you could relive the last 10years of your life, what would you do differently? -Best Answers If you know your supervisor is 100% wrong about something how would you handle it? -BestAnswersIs there anything else we should know about you? -Best Answers J - Z Tell me about something you wou ld have done differently at work Best AnswersTell me about your educational background - Best AnswersWhat are you passionate about? - Best AnswersWhat areyour goals for the next 5-10years? -Best AnswersWhat are your hobbies? - Best AnswersWhat are your pet peeves? -Best AnswersWhat can we expect from you in the first 60 days on the job? - Best AnswersWhat can you contribute to this company? - Best AnswersWhat can you do better for us than the other candidates for the job? Best Answers What can you do for this company? - Best AnswersWhat challenges are you looking for in a job? - Best AnswersWhat did you like or dislike about your previous job? - Best AnswersWhat do people most often criticize about you? -Best AnswersWhat do you expect from a supervisor? - Best AnswersWhat do you see yourself doing within the first 30 days on the job? - Best AnswersWhat have you learned from your mistakes? - Best AnswersWhat interests you about this job? - Best AnswersWhat isthe biggest criticism y ou received from your boss? -Best Answers What is the worst thing that you have gotten away with? - Best AnswersWhat is your dream job? - Best AnswersWhat is your professional development plan? - Best AnswersWhat makes you angry? - Best AnswersWhat motivates you? - Best AnswersWhat part of the job will be the least challenging for you? - Best AnswersWhat philosophy guides your work? - Best AnswersWhat strategies would you use to motivate your team? - Best AnswersWhat strength will help you succeed in the job? - Best AnswersWhat type of work environment do you prefer? - Best Answers What was the biggest accomplishment/failure in your previous position? - Best AnswersWhat will you miss most about your last job? - Best AnswersWhat wont you miss about your last job? Best AnswersWhat would be your ideal company culture? - Best AnswersWhat would you be looking for in an applicant? - Best AnswersWhencan you departure work? -Best AnswersWhen do you plan on retiring? -Best AnswersWhere do y ou see yourself 5 years from now? -Best AnswersWhereelse are you interviewing? -Best Answers When was the last time you were angry? What happened? - Best AnswersWhich part of this job is the biggest stretch for you? - Best AnswersWhy are you interested in a lower level job? - Best AnswersWhy are you interested in a non-management job? - Best AnswersWhy are you leaving your job? - Best AnswersWhy are you the best person for this job? - Best AnswersWhy do you want to work here? - Best AnswersWhy should I take a risk on you? - Best AnswersWhy should we hire you? - Best AnswersWhy shouldnt I hire you? - Best Answers Why werent you promoted at your last job? - Best AnswersWould you rather be liked or respected? -Best Answers Additional Information Interview Questions About Emotional IntelligenceTop Job Interview TipsBehavioral Job Interviews

Friday, December 13, 2019

Millennials 5 secrets to working with millennials

Millennials 5 secrets to working with millennialsMillennials 5 secrets to working with millennialsMany leaders today face an important question how can they build trust and inspiremillennials in their workplace?Here are somesuggestions for leadership tactics that address specific challengesmillennials face and will help everyone in an organization grow.Keep conference rooms free of cell phones It seems like something small and insignificant. The same can be said for brushing our teeth for two minutes. It is useless un-less we do it consistently.Every time we interact with each other at work, it is an opportunity to connect as human beings and slowly build trusting relationships. When we are on our phones before meetings, we take away opportunities to simply chat. Whether we talk about work, ask about each others week- ends . . . or even sit in silence together . . . we are doing little things that go a long way over time.If companies simply ban cellphones in all conference rooms, in time they will abflug to feel improvements in the quality of relationships their people enjoy.Encourage note-taking on paper instead of computers According to a study published in Psychological Science, those who take notes on paper are better at processing and retaining information. Though computer note takers may capture mora data, those who use paper are forced to discern which information is more important.This learnable, practicable skill significantly impacts critical thinking and decision making. And for those who have to have notes captured digitally, then assign one person to take digital notes or simply transcribe the handwritten notes after the meeting.Teach leadership I visited a large bank and asked if they had a leadership training program. We do, the executive answered excitedly. When I probed for specific courses they teach, I welches told they teach compliance. Thats not leadership training, I said, thats how to follow the law. He continued to share more of the cour ses on offer, but there wasnt a single class on actual leadership.How can we expect people to lead if we dont teach them how to do it? The best companies I know have a robust curriculum to include human skills like effective confrontation, active listening and communication skills.Teach how to give and receive feedback Many millennials in the workforce say they want more feedback. In practice, Ive learned that what they seem to want is more positive feedback, more affirmation when they do well. Stories abound that too many of them arent actually that good at receiving negative feedback.Giving and receiving feedback are learnable, practicable skills. Getting better at giving feedback is not simply about giving more feedback, its learning how to give it, positive and negative.Similarly, receiving feedback is not simply about demanding feedback, its learning how to receive it, positive and negative, then knowing how to act on that feedback when its offered.There are many ways to do thi s. For example, our company has developed its own 360 review system. Once a year, each person on a team is asked to write down their top three strengths or areas they believe theyve fruchtwein improved and their three biggest weaknesses or areas they feel they need the most growth. Everyones answers are consolidated into one document and shared with every member of their team.We then take whatever time it takes- half a day or a full day, depending on the size of the team- to go through it all.Each person must first read their weaknesses. Then anyone who wants to can add to or comment on that list. At this time, the person sharing their list may not speak. They are prohibited from defending themselves or offering excuses. Their job is to listen. Immediately after, the person reads their strengths. And again, anyone else can add to or comment on the list. Again, the person being reviewed may only listen. At most, we allow clarifying questions. Someone takes responsibility to run the m eeting to ensure that anything outside these parameters is quickly shut down.It is an amazing experience. The most junior person on my team had the opportunity to tell me how I let her down and how I make her feel when I say or do certain things. It was completely eye-opening form, and it was empowering for her to feel heard. We dont use this process as part of our formal evaluations but rather as a growth tool.We are all also members of smaller coaching pods that meet for an hour once a week or once every other week throughout the year to help each other build on what we learned in the review session.Take advantage of your millennials More companies would benefit directly by taking advantage of the unique skills and perspectives millennials bring to the table thanks to their upbringing. For example, millennials grew up on social media. They have literally spent their entire lives curating their personal brands. They intuitively understand how branding works. Take advantage of itIns tead of complaining that millennials arent showing up or arent engaged, use them as a barometer of how you are doing as a leader or to gauge the kind of culture the company is building.Consider that older generations may not, in fact, be more engaged in their work (the data supports this), but rather that they are just better at faking it. Use the fact that millennials are more willing to speak out when they are feeling uninspired, disengaged or dissatisfied as an accurate accounting of how everyone in the company feels.If given something that inspires them to engage or stick around, millennials will fully engage for a long, long time.Excerpted from Leaders Eat Last Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Dont, in agreement with Portfolio, an imprint of Penguin Publishing Group, a teilen of Penguin Random House LLC. Copyright 2014, 2017 by SinekPartners LLC.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

The Ultimate Solution for Computer Science Resume Objective

The Ultimate Solution for Computer Science Resume Objective The area of computer science is one which is multifaceted. Furthermore, you can look for computer science jobs on Monster. Be certain to mention volunteer work, particularly if it is associated with computer science. You just need to select the perfect computer science resume template which goes with your profession. A programming portfolio is able to help you stick out from a sea of different candidates. If you decide to turn into a programmer, you ought to create a resume that highlights your abilities and compelling resume. Programmers with a bachelors degree and experience with a range of programming languages and tools are going to have the very best job prospects. Essentially, youve nailed work at a unicorn firm. Once youre on the job, you are able to take attire cues from some other workers. Dont overlook volunteer work, particularly if its pertinent to the job you are looking for. Essentially, each job sh ould get its very own specific resume. Hopefully, youre starting to see the reason it is so important to use keywords on your resume. There are particular fonts and styles that must be adhered to when writing a restart. schablone for resume is a standard layout which might be used for nearly every work position. The more experienced youre, the more headings you may add into your resume. The 30-Second Trick for Computer Science Resume Objective If you would like to receive an opportunity to prove your skills, you must catch the recruiters eye. The target audience spans over a great deal of individuals. 1 thing you ought to do when youre looking for a job is definitely learned how to execute a resume. Showing not just telling is a potent thing. By doing a little research on the region, you should have some idea of how much it will cost to live there. You ought to find gain and using truly free resume builder to earn your self sparkle which will force you to jump to the top priority. Bear in mind, the type of job which you get is dependent on the sort of resume you create. In case the resume isnt good enough to capture the interest of the reader, hell just throw it away. The very best way is to choose the support of Cv builder for writing a resume so that you may not loose the project prospect. When you make an application for work, you make your very first impression via your curriculum vitae. So maybe you really want to find some resumes. Below, it is possible to find a programmer CV example to help you in earning your document the best it can be. The sample below can help you begin. Uploading to our resume database requires you to make an account. You might also see Resume Templates. Getting hired is about the presentation. Show how lover youre by explaining the important reason that you want to get selected and the way you will advanced afterwards. If youre thinking about how to create a resume, youre in the correct spot If you are able to talk to somebody who works there, or has worked there before. Once youve reviewed resumes in your field, peruse resumes across fields to learn how to vary using action verbs and receive a feel for what makes a highly effective accomplishment statement. In the event the new job takes you to a brand-new living place, give yourself time to receive fairly well settled before your very first day at work. Every time a huge project is involved, having the ability to work well on a team is necessary. With time, as soon as you gather an increasing number of experience, your resume will further be made better. Make certain you only list work experiences pertinent to the open position. Things You Should Know About Computer Science Resume Objective Try everything you can to make your sentence convey action with action verbs. In some instances you might want to mention your general salary requirements. Lets say youre applying for employment at Airbnb. Youve got to think of a f ormat that is simply right for the particular job that youre making an application for. Computer Science Resume Objective Fundamentals Explained To do so, you will need a resume. If you are a newcomer to the computer programming business, the experience section of your resume should list any employment opportunities youve had in the past couple of decades. Its fantastic in order to demonstrate the Hiring Managers which you were working hard during university and higher school years. Computer Science graduates may have a plethora of careers. Recruiters yawn at education, so you ought to too. You can begin with a career objective but that must be wholly aligned to the job youre seeking. Yes, their skills can be tested readily, or so the employer doesnt need to depend on the candidates accolades. Evidently, you must however note different skills that are applicable together with different qualification that you believe they search for. You should also incorporate basic sof t abilities, like your capacity to work well within a team or your capacity to head huge projects with success.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Meet women tech leaders at NYCs most exciting companies.

Meet women tech leaders at NYCs most exciting companies. This is an invite-only event. Contact for the invitation if you think this event would be a good fit for your skill set.Save the date PowerToFly is excited to introduce you to women tech leaders at some of New Yorks most exciting companies. You will hear how these female leaders and their teams are building inclusive environments and innovative tech products. Well end the evening with an opportunity for you to network with additional women in tech over cocktails and light food.Panelists Featured Guests include (Subject to Change)Doa Jafri, Director of Engineering, Thrive GlobalBahar Shah, Senior Software Engineer, BluecoreMahmoud Arram, CTO CoFounder, BluecoreBavitha Sokhi, Senior Software Engineer, Stash InvestWe will be announcing a full lineup of speakers and participating companies shortly. Stay tunedAgenda (Subject to Change)600pm - Check-In Networking over Cocktails Light Food630pm - darbietung Kickof f with Rise New York (The NYC chapter of a global network that brings together the best and brightest start-ups and experts to create the future of financial services)635pm - Introductory Remarks by Milena Berry, PowerToFlys CEO640pm - Panel on How To Rise as a Woman in Tech featuring female leaders including Doa Jari, Director of Engineering, Thrive Global Bahar Shah, Software Engineer, Bluecore Bavitha Sokhi, Senior Software Engineer, Stash Invest moderated by Milena Berry700pm - Audience QA720pm - Networking over Cocktails Light FoodThe event will be held on April 12th from 6pm to 8pm at Rise New York, located at 43 W. 23rd Street, New York, NY 10010. About our Events All RSVPd attendees are welcome, regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, gender identity, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, or age. If you require accommodation to fully participate in this event, please email, and we will contact you to discuss your specific needs.Create Your Free Profile on PowerToFly.Unfortunately, PowerToFly and the company it is holding an event on behalf of cannot admit outside recruiters to that particular event. Please email if you have any questions about this policy.Related Articles Around the Web PowerToFly Focused on getting more women in tech Fortune Bluecore Home Bluecore marketing automation platform raises $35 1000000 in Series C Thrive Global Arianna Huffingtons Thrive Global Turning Sleep Into Productivity One of the biggest challenges in almost all industries today is achieving gender parity. Gender diversity provides huge benefits in the workplace. pWhile some industries have made significant advancements in gender diversity, some i ndustries lag further behind... and the construction industry is well-known for being in the latter category. If someone says, construction workers, youll likely picture a group of men in yellow hard hats analyzing an architects plans or laying bricks on top of a scaffold. And men at work signs only help to reinforce this image.pThis stereotype is rooted in reality. When was the last time you actually spotted a woman on a construction site? Or hired a female plumber or carpenter? Your answer is most likely never. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statisticsreports that only 3.4% of the total of 8.3 million construction employees are women.pBut the construction industry has a lot more to offer than steel-toed boots and hard hats, and it needs women to help advance the industry in this era of rapid change. Here are 5 reasons why women joining the workforce or looking to make a pivot should consider a career in construction.h21. Fuel Innovation/h2pNot only is diversity the socially and mora lly right thing to do, but it is also actually an excellent business strategy. pResearch presented in the Harvard Business Reviewshows that diverse teams develop more innovative ideas. This is further supported by a study conducted by Gallupon the wertmiger zuwachs of gender-diverse teams versus single-gender teams, which found that the difference in backgrounds and perspectives led to better business performance and problem-solving. h22. Capitalize on Demand/h2pThe construction industry is currently experiencing a labor shortage. The industry itself is booming and projected to be one of the fastest-growing industries, with total spending projected to exceed $1.45 trillion in 2023/a. However, most construction companies are unable to meet the rising demand. pAccording to the Associated General Contractors of America/a, more than 80% of contractors are experiencing difficulties filling hourly craft positions that represent the bulk of the construction workforce.pAnd demand isnt limit ed to individual contributor roles. Given the industry boom, there are a number of open stable and high-paying roles (any project managers out there?) waiting for the right candidateh23. Leadership Opportunities/h2pAccording to the Bureau of Labor Statistics/a, women compose only 7.7% of the total 1 million managerial positions in given the highly collaborative nature of construction work, more women in leadership roles would help drive innovation and enhance productivity.Furthermore, as a woman in construction in a leadership position, youd have the unique opportunity to drive change for the industry and make it a more attractive option for other women.h24. High-Income vermgen/h2pSalaries for many skilled positions in construction are on the rise, making a construction career a prime choice for women looking for a high-paying job,pThe 2018 Construction Craft Salary Surveyconducted by the National Center for Construction Education and Research revealed that sala ries for many skilled craft areas are increasing. Project managers and project supervisors topped the list at $92,523 and $88,355, respectively. The next set of highest-paying jobs include those of combo welders ($71,067), instrumentation technicians ($70,080), pipe welders ($69,222), power line workers ($68,262) and industrial electricians ($67,269). Of the 32 categories of workers in the survey, 19 positions earned an average salary of $60,000 or higher.h25. Sense of accomplishment/h2p The construction industry can give employees a unique sense of achievement. Yes, the job is stressful and the work can be demanding, but nothing beats the feeling of being able to build something from the ground up. pHow many professionals in other industries can point at a school, a hospital, or a skyscraper and say I helped build that?pThe construction industry has a long way to go in combating gender bias and supporting women in the workforce, but given the current demand for workers, theres no b etter time to plattl up a sledgehammer (figurative or literal) and smash the gender stereotypes plaguing the construction industry.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Job Interview Question Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years

Job Interview Question Where Do You See Yourself in 5 YearsJob Interview Question Where Do You See Yourself in 5 YearsEver met a successful, productive and innovative professional who has made their mark via flying by the seat of their pants? We havent either. Theres a reason so many of the most eye-roll-worthy and overused sayings involve some aspect of preparation and planning. Whether practicing to make perfect for that next job bewerberbewerberinterview or mapping out a career, a little bit of foresight can go a long ways towards helping you make your professional mark.Job-related advice columns and websites arent the only ones that believe this, either. Prospective employers know that those who have put thought into their career trajectory will often make better employees with their ability to craft roadmaps to success. As such, where do you see yourself in x number of years is a frequently asked question during the interview process. In the spirit of preparation, weve laid out some handy tips on how to answer this query like a pro and up your chances at impressing your next potential employer.Have a Career MapInterviewees can approach the where do you see yourself question in two main ways. The first bent is to look at the query from a big picture perspective. Where do you see yourself career-wise in five years? Do you want more responsibility or greater recognition? Perhaps you want to be managing a larger team of having an expanded platzdeckchen of duties that stretch your current knowledge of the industry.Try brainstorming long-term broad areas of improvement and growth that would be applicable to your personal advancement within a company. Most interviewers will enjoy hearing that you want to learn more and manage a larger team. Stepping up is a big plus and signals long-term commitment that can see you nailing a call back at the very least and even a potential job offer.Develop Goals for Your Specific PositionThe other approach to the forecasting que stion operates on a more micro level. If youve done your research, are familiar with the field and position, and have been taking notes throughout the interview, you can probably put together a decent game plan for things youd like to accomplish at the company. Think about what your potential employer needs and pay specific attention to the job listing. If the description has listed out key responsibilities, craft some actionable items you can realistically get done in one, three and five year periods. During the interview, pay specific attention to any areas of immediate need and feel free to ask questions about what can be improved and any specific expectations. This can also help guide your on the spot goals when answering the five-year question.No Matter What, Dont Do ThisWhile nerves or a misplaced sense of humor may tempt you to get a little cute in the interview room, whatever you do avoid sarcasm or approaching the question with an inflated sense of ego. With your job is nev er an acceptable answer to where you see yourself ending up in the company. Remember to stay professional and that the person youre interviewing with will have a great deal of input as to whether you end up getting hired. Even if the comment is a throwaway or said in a joking manner, coming off as having an inflated ego can quickly turn an interview sour.The WrapAs a final piece of advice for dealing with the career expectations question, remember to keep your answers focused on the job at hand and geared towards how you can help grow, expand or streamline your employers business. By concentrating on your expectations for providing value you allow the interviewer to more clearly picture you in the role and give a preview of just what you bring to the table. Just like with all interview questions, preparation is the key to success. Plan in advance for this, and other common interview questions, to help be an attractive candidate in a highly competitive modern job market.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Physical Therapy Assistant Skills List and Examples

Physical Therapy Assistant Skills List and ExamplesPhysical Therapy Assistant Skills List and ExamplesPhysical therapy assistants (sometimes called PTAs) help a variety of patients with illnesses and injuries to reduce pain and improve mobility. They work under the supervision of physical therapists. PTAs work in a variety of settings, including hospitals, private practices, sports and fitness facilities, nursing homes, schools, and more. PTAs need an associates degree and a state licensure or certification. However, they also require particular skills. Many PTA skills arehard skills, such as a knowledge of human anatomy and a knowledge of how to perform certain stretches and exercises. However, the job also includes a number ofsoft skillsthat help physical therapists communicate effectively with patients and coworkers. Heres a list ofskills that employers are looking forin resumes, titelblatt letters, job applications, and bewerbungsinterviews. Included are detailed descriptions of the five most important physical therapy assistant skillsets, along with accompanying lists of related skills and work responsibilities. How to Use Skills Lists You can use these skills lists as a resource as you prepare job application materials such as yourresumeand yourcover letter. Many employers now utilize automatedapplicant tracking systemsto screen applications these systems are programmed to privilege specific keywords and phrases, such as those well talk about here. Along with reviewing our lists, be sure to identify which keyword phrases are specifically mentioned in job announcements, and try to echo these in both your resume and in the body of your cover letter. Its also a wise strategy to provide examples of times when you have used these skills in a work or training environment. You can also use these skill words in aninterview. Make sure, during the interview itself, that you mention instances of times you demonstrated each of the top five skillsets listed here. Of course, each job will require different skills and experiences, so make sure you read the job description carefully and focus on the skills listed by the employer. Also, review our other lists ofskills listed by jobandtype of skill. Top Five Physical Therapy Assistant Skills CommunicationPTAs communicate regularly with patients. They need to clearly convey instructions to patients, such as how to perform certain exercises. They also must speak with the patients and their families about what to do after treatment. To do this effectively, PTAs must have strong oral communication skills. Because a PTA works under the supervision of a physical therapist, he or she must also be able tocommunicate wellwith the therapist. She has to listen carefully to instructions, and convey information about patients in a clear manner. Active ListeningAssertivenessEducating Family Members and Caregivers Regarding Therapeutic RoutinesExplaining Exercises and Therapies to PatientsInstructing Patien ts about the Use of Treatment EquipmentInstructing Patients on Use of Adaptive Devices like Walkers, Crutches, or CanesInteracting with Patients of Different Ages, Races, and Socio-Economic BackgroundsOrienting, Supervising, and Training Students, Volunteers, and Support StaffProviding Gait Training to PatientsRecommending Modifications of Treatment to Physical Therapist ReportingSpeaking ClearlyTeamworkVerbal CommunicationsWriting Patient Progress Notes CompassionAlong with effective communication, PTAs have to be able to empathize with patients who are struggling, often both physically and emotionally. They have to understand how the patient is feeling, and use that information to decide how to best motivate that patient and, often, the patients family. CollaborationCustomer ServiceEncouraging Patient Participation with Tasks and TherapiesInterpersonal SkillsMotivating PatientsOvercoming Patient Resistance to TherapiesPositive OutlookRelating to Disabled PatientsRemaining Calm wit h Distressed PatientsTolerating Patient Setbacks or Lack of Progress Detail OrientedPTAs have to keep detailed records of patients illnesses, injuries, and exercise programs. They must carefully track patient progress and report patient status to the physical therapist. To keep track of all of this, PTAs must be organized and focused on the details. Assessing Pain Tolerance of PatientsDocumenting Patient ProgressEmpathyFollowing Infection Control Policies and ProceduresMeasuring Range of MotionMonitoring Vital SignsObservationPrioritizing MultitaskingOften, PTAs mustperform multiple tasks at once. They typically assist with many patients at one time and must be able to prioritize their duties. Therefore, PTAs must be strong multitaskers. Applying Diagnostic Muscle, Nerve, Joints, and Functional Abilities TestsCompiling Discharge ReportsFollowing Directions from Physical TherapistsMaintaining EquipmentOrdering SuppliesOrganizationReading and Comprehending Patient InformationUsing Sma rt Data SystemTime ManagementTreating Multiple Patients at the Same TimeWorking with mindestens Supervision Physical StaminaPTAs perform a number of tasks that require physical strength and dexterity. They must be on their feet for long periods, bend and kneel, and move patients. They also have to work with their hands to massage patients and set up equipment. Administering Traction to Relieve Neck and Back PainApplying Manual Resistance to a Patients Limbs or Trunk During ExercisesDemonstrating Exercises to PatientsHigh Energy LevelManual DexterityPerforming Passive Stretch with ParticipantsPerforming Therapeutic Massage Job Outlook for Physical Therapist Assistants According to theBureau of Labor Statistics, 140,300 people were employed as physical therapist assistants and aides in 2016 their median annual wage in 2017 was $46,920. Career opportunities in this field are anticipated to grow 30 percent by 2026, much faster than average.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Dazzle Employers With Your Temp Office Work Experience

Dazzle Employers With Your Temp Office Work ExperienceDazzle Employers With Your Temp Office Work ExperienceAfter working as a temporary professional for a while, youre hitting the job market in search of a full-time job. The question now, though, is how exactly do you list that temp geschftszimmer work on your resume and explain it effectively during interviews? Heres what you need to know.In an OfficeTeam survey, more than half (51 percent) of senior managers interviewed said when evaluating job applicants, they consider a long period of consistent temporary work as comparable to full-time work. As valuable as your time as a temp may be, it can be confusing how to market this experience when finding a new job.How do you talk about your temp office work experience? Following are five tips that can help you present yourself so you can get the job you want1. Keep it simpleList the temp agency as your employer on your administrative resume, rather than citing every temporary assignment as a separate position. Include details about each assignment as bullet points in this section. This makes it easier for hiring managers to understand your background, and its accurate and honest.2. Focus on your accomplishmentsWhat are some of your biggest contributions doing temp office work? Youll want to explain these on your resume just as you would for a full-time job. For instance, your bullets might look something like thisManaged the administrative needs for a department of eight salespeople, including updating PowerPoint presentations, coordinating business travel and maintaining the client database.Served as the executive assistant to two busy executives, managing calendars, screening calls, preparing reports and advising junior administrative staff.3. Target your contentIf you worked in the same industry as a job opening, point it out in your administrative cover letter and on your resume. Youll also want to focus on job responsibilities at temporary assignments that ar e most relevant to the job. Customized cover letters and resumes may take extra time, but they can make a real difference in helping you stand out.4. Showcase new skillsMake sure youre promoting all of your latest skills and expertise on your resume and when interviewing. As a temporary professional, you may have gained new talents worth mentioning. If you completed any training programs through your temp agency, be sure to cite those, too.5. Point out your adaptabilityDoing temp work, you no doubt learned to adapt quickly to new work environments and hit the ground running. Employers really value candidates who can make an immediate impact, so be sure to mention these abilities when marketing yourself in your job search.Are you ready to dazzle employers with your temp office work experience?WORK WITH US