Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Summary Sunday Job Search Spring Cleaning

Summary Sunday Job Search Spring Cleaning Spring is the time of year you either start searching for a new job or discover your job search isnt working. Its time for a little spring cleaning. This weeks summary provides ideas and advice to help you refresh your job search. Youll also find networking guidelines, tips to improve your online visibility and why its important to have a robust LinkedIn profile. Plus find out ways to solve the problem of the working poor. If you like any of the articles, please share them with your network and follow the author! Happy Easter! JOB SEARCH Beyond The Resume: 14 Strategies To Get Hired In 2019 by Mark Anthony Dyson | Payscale Instead of sharing your resume with everyone and anyone, try some of these 14 strategies to help draw attention to your unique skills, talents and abilities! Most importantly, pay attention to number 3 on the list! What Pre-Sourcing Is â€" and How It Will Make Hiring the Right Candidate Easier by Lou Adler | LinkedIn Talent Blog While this is written for recruiters, read and understand how recruiters are being instructed to find talent. This will help you understand the importance of keywords, job titles and many other pieces of information recruiters are likely to search for! These ideas can put you in the right place at the right time! When Experience Is Not Enough Recruiters Reveal Why Qualified Candidates Do Not Get The Job by Caroline Ceniza-Levin | Forbes You may think you had exactly the right experience for a job you recently interviewed forso why didnt they offer you the job? See three reasons why the best candidate gets passed over. NETWORKING A Five-Step Guide To Effective Networking by Monisha Toteja | Forbes There are lots of misconceptions about networking. One is that you have to talk to lots of people. But its not a race. Networking is about making a connection with people. Learn step by step what you need to do to network effectively! 7 Better Ways to Answer What Do You Do? by Amanda Berlin | The Muse Yes, you will be asked what you doare you providing the best answer? Try some of these ideas to answer the question and get the conversation flowing! ONLINE VISIBILITY Social Proof Required for Successful Job Search by Susan P. Joyce | Job-Hunt.org Social proof is your public Internet activities your public profiles and contributions reviewed by recruiters, potential employers, and others. Without knowing you, those activities are proof of who you really are. But dont think being invisible is the answer because according to Joyce a  2018 CareerBuilder survey found that nearly half of employers (47%) say that if they cant find a job candidate online, they are  less likely to call that person in for an interview. LINKEDIN Job Applicants With a Comprehensive LinkedIn Profile 71% More Likely to Get Interviews, Study Says by Laura Stampler | Fortune A barebones LinkedIn profile isnt going to help you get a job. See the results of this interesting study and youll probably want to to go complete the information in your LinkedIn profile. CAREER/WORKFORCE Raising Wages Is the Right Thing to Do, and Doesn’t Have to Be Bad for Your Bottom Line by Zeynep Ton | Harvard Business Review The US has a problemthe working poor. There are many ways to fix this that wont hurt companies. DID YOU MISS THESE? WHY USE PICTURES, IMAGES AND VIDEO? KNOWING AND DOING ARE TWO DIFFERENT THINGS HOW TO POST ENGAGING COMMENTS ON LINKEDIN

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